The Relationship of Firm, Managerial & Product Characteristics with Standardization of Export Marketing Strategies in Auto Component Manufacturing Industry
Manjunatha N
Every manufacturing firm formulates one or the other marketing strategies to capture more market share and revenue. Managers of each firm irrespective of the type of business make export policies to keep competitors away in international markets. The success of a firm’s export performance lies in the positive influence of internal and external factors. The objective of the research study is to explore the relationship between a firm’s internal factors such as firm’s, managerial and product characteristics on export marketing strategy standardisation in the auto component manufacturing industry specially those firms locating in southern parts of India. Descriptive research methodology has been applied for analysing the data. The linear regression model has been used in the present study and tested the significant association among the variables related to internal forces and standardisation of export marketing strategies. The finding shows that, export marketing capabilities, managers export commitment, product characteristics have a significant relationship with product standardisation. Export marketing capabilities, managers export commitment, managers export motivation have positive influence on price standardisation similarly, export marketing capabilities, managers export commitment have significant relationship with distribution standardization. Similarly, firm’s internationalisation capabilities manager’s export commitment and managers export knowledge and product characteristics have significant impact on promotion standardisation. This research article is confined to the auto component industry which is engaged in export activities and limited to the statndardisation of marketing strategies in international business.