Crisis Perception, Experience, and Preparedness among Managers in Ghana
Edwin C. Mensah, Christopher Ziemnowicz, and John A. Parnell
Research about organizations and possible crisis events that may affect their operations or have negative consequences is wide-ranging. Recommendations include establishing crisis management plans and developing alternatives to deal with potential disasters. Most of the crisis management literature focuses on large businesses in developed countries. This study surveys the perceptions, preparedness, and involvement concerning crisis occurrences among managers in Ghana, an emerging nation. Initial findings suggest indigenous Ghanaian managers recognize the need for crisis preparation, but at the same time, may not invest the time, energy, and resources that are needed to be prepared. This study shows that Ghanaian firms with foreign ownership or control have in place crisis management policies typically found within large international businesses. This paper outlines the crisis management background and literature, presents the situation in Ghana, and reports on the survey conducted in Ghana. Our suggestions should assist managers of indigenous firms in Ghana
Ghana, Crisis management, Disasters, Indigenous firms, International business, Preparedness